Age-Related Differences On The Mental Representation Of The Golf Putting

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1783-SSRC
1هیات علمی دانشگاه دورود
2دبیر آموزش و پرورش
Background: Basic Action Concepts (BACs) are fundamental building blocks of mental representations, which comprise functional, sensory, spatiotemporal, and biomechanical characteristics of a movement (Schack, 2010).
Objective: The aim of this article was to assess the development of mental representation of the golf putting movement as a function of age.
Methodology: The mental representational structure of the golf putting movement was measured using the Structural Dimensional Analysis-Motoric (SDA-M) method that reflects the organization of basic action concepts (BACs). we grouped three age groups according to the level of development in motor ontogenesis of Meinel and Schnabel (1998) (i.e., childhood, 7 to 12 years, N = 20; pubescence, 12–14 years, N =20; and adolescents, 14–16 years, N = 20). All participants were right-handed and had normal vision. The experimental procedure of the SDA-M includes four steps. In the first step of the SDA-M, the distance between all images (i.e., BACs) by a multiple sorting task was analyzed. In a pairwise comparison, the participants assessed the similarity of all BACs with one another. In this splitting procedure, each concept was displayed as an anchor concept on a computer screen. Any remaining concepts were compared with that anchor successively. The participants were to decide whether the displayed concepts were related to each other. All concepts were compared with all other concepts. In the second step, the individual cluster solutions were formed by means of a hierarchical cluster analysis.
Results: All participants showed the same unstructured mental representation, and there were no differences in the quality of the mental representation between the various levels of development in motor ontogenesis. Within childhood, shows three clusters in their representation structure. In the cluster solution within pubescence, four clusters can be seen. The cluster solution within adolescents shows a similar structure to the novices within childhood. It has been shown that between different levels of motor development (childhood, pubescence, and adolescence), no progression can be discerned.
Conclusion: Therefore, with increasing age, participants did not improve their mental representation.