Designing and implementing a surveillance system for students' sports injuries

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1800-SSRC
دانشگاه تهران
Male and female students who participate in physical education classes in schools are injured in different ways. The occurrence of these injuries in students as the foundations and scientific and sports talents of the country, in addition to creating financial costs, can cause the absence of students from the curriculum and also the possibility of losing their sports talents. Therefore, a surveillance system for recording sports injuries and designing injury prevention programs in schools is of great importance. In advanced countries of the world such as Australia, America, and some European and even Asian and Arab countries, these systems have been established in universities, high schools, and Some sports. But inside our country, Iran, especially in student sports, these systems do not exist. This research was conducted to design and test an online system for monitoring and registering sports injuries of male and female high school students in Ilam province and evaluating it from the point of view of physical education teachers. Sports injuries of students were recorded by physical education teachers using online methods (through the website and paper injury report form in one academic semester. In the end, a questionnaire was used to examine these methods from the point of view of physical education teachers. This research is of a descriptive comparative type and the Chi-square test was used to analyze the results at a significant level (P<0.05). A total of 151 cases of injuries were reported, of which 76 cases (50.4%) were reported online only, 70 cases (46.3%) were reported by online-paper method, and 5 cases (3.3%) were reported by paper method. it is registered. Only the online registration method (146 injuries) was used significantly more than paper registration (75 injuries) (p=0.001). Physical education teachers mentioned the reasons for using the online method more: accessibility, easier work, and easier retrieval of recorded information. On the other hand, outages and reduced internet speed were mentioned among the things that can cause disruption. According to the results, the use of online methods seems to be more effective in registering sports injuries in schools.