Study of bone mineral density and bone mineral content of femural in professional rowing women

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1812-SSRC
physical activity is vital to maintaining bone mass and strength and helps prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is characterized as a systemic skeletal disease with a decrease in bone density and destruction of bone tissue structure. Different physical activities, including different sports, are usually associated with positive effects on bone mineral density. Meanwhile, string rowing is a combination of strength, endurance and balance, which requires proportional muscle control for simultaneous and symmetrical muscle contractions. In sports activities, the use of muscle stretching movement and the effect of gravity causes force to be transferred to the bones, and these two factors themselves cause an increase in the density of bone minerals. Although a moderate amount of exercise is beneficial for bone health, excessive exercise can potentially exceed the bone's ability to adapt and lead to decreased bone mineral density or excessive damage. Therefore, more sports activity is not necessarily better. the present study was performed determine the effect of exercise on bone mineral density and content in the hip area of professional female rowers. For this study,10 players of the national rowing team with a history of at least 3 years of frequent membership in the national team purposefully and 10 homogeneous inactive individuals were selected voluntarily. The collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 23 software and t-test of independent groups and Shapiro-Wilk test .The results showed that there was no significant difference between the density and bone mineral content of the group of boaters in the femoral neck, total femur,femural inter ,femoral wards and femoral troch compared to the control group.