Designing a Model of Human Capital Development Based on Optimal Governance in Women's Sports of Iran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1826-SSRC
1PhD Student of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2Department of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoly Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amoly, Iran
3Assistant Professor, Research Ins"tute of Physical Educa"on and Sports Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: During recent years, one of the important issues raised in the direction of institutionalizing civil society is the concept of good governance in women's sports. Regarding with this, the necessity of planning to eliminate discrimination and create equal opportunities with the aim of balancing and guiding women's sports activities in order to achieve a healthy society and achieve transnational achievements is the attention of the sovereign policy makers.
Purpose: This study aimed to present a model for human capital development based on optimal governance in women's sports of Iran
Method: The research method was done in a mixed based on grounded theory, and in the quantitative part, they were part of applied research. In-depth interviews were used to collect information, and data analysis was analyzed by the method of Strauss and Corbin with the constructivist approach of Charmaz. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research, including experts, experts in the field of women's sports and management professors, who were interviewed using the non-probability method, was 15 people.
Results: Open, axial, and selective coding was used to analyze the data. 480 conceptual propositions with 23 categories and 165 concepts within the 12-dimensional was collected in paradigm model. the results showed that the factors affecting the optimal governance process of women's sports were divided into three components: external, internal and intermediate factors, and the solutions were divided into individual-organizational factors and social-political factors. The most important indicator is the participation of women in governance programs and the activation of women's sports associations and campaigns.
Conclusion: This results emphasized that executive managers, by laying the groundwork in the implementation of the explanation of the national document with a long-term perspective that policies, goals and macro strategies of Iranian women's sports, fields of internships and gaining executive experience for women, familiarization with civil rights in sports, providing grounds for self-confidence in women and informing them of their individual capabilities and abilities and media culture (making documentaries and films about women's sports) to help create infrastructure in promoting women's sports culture.