Designing a Structural Model between leadership styles and Know Management and Information Technology Acceptance as Intermediate Role in Employees

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1828-SSRC
هیات علمی
The present study aimed to present a model for leadership style and knowledge management by mediating the acceptance of information technology by the staff of sport and youth departments of northwestern provinces of Iran. Therefore, the purpose-base study is in the category of applied research. 462 employees of sport and youth departments of northwestern Iran (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan and Ardabil) consisted the statistical population. During the correspondence with the Sports and Youth Offices of the Northwestern provinces of Iran,At least, 365 people were obtained sample size for factor analysis based on the number of items and variables. Relative stratified sampling method was used for sampling from three provinces and considering gender variable. Thus, according to the statistical calculations of the sample estimates, 130 people (109 mens, 21women) from East Azerbaijan province, 121people from West Azerbaijan (96men and 25women) and Ardabil 114people (91men and 21women) were chosen. In this study, three questionnaires of leadership style of Bass and Avolio (2003), knowledge management of Filius, De Long, and Roelofs(2000) and researcher-made information technology were used. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the research hypotheses. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between technology acceptance and knowledge management. The relationships between leadership styles and knowledge management were also confirmed. But the relationship between pragmatic leadership and technology acceptance was not approved. Finally, the results of structural equation modeling showed that in the relationship between leadership styles and knowledge management, acceptance of information technology acts as a mediator.