Predicting Customer Satisfaction through Relationship Marketing and Service Quality in Bodybuilding Establishments in Karaj city

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1838-SSRC
2مدیریت ورزشی
The primary objective of this research is to forecast customer satisfaction within the context of relationship marketing and service quality within the bodybuilding establishments of Karaj. Employing a descriptive-analytical methodology, the statistical universe encompasses all athletes within the bodybuilding clubs of Karaj, with the exact number remaining undisclosed. The research sample consists of 384 athletes, selected through a non-random availability method, based on Krejcie and Morgan's table. The focus is on individuals actively engaged in the environments of bodybuilding clubs. Research variables were gauged through three questionnaires: the Relationship Marketing Questionnaire (Negi & Katma, 2013), the Service Quality Questionnaire (Parasuraman et al., 2005), and the Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire (Chen & Lin, 2019).Five_choise cuestionnaire was designed based on Likert Scale and questionnaire responses categorized in this way: complete agreement (score 5), agreement (score 4), no idea ( score 3), disagreement (score 2), and complete disagreement (score 1). Statistical data analysis involved descriptive indices, correlation coefficients, and linear regression using the SPSS software
The study findings Indicate that the impact of relationship marketing on satisfaction is statistically significant (p=0.001, Sig=0.69, F=13.0, R2=0.353), with a determination coefficient of 0.13, signifying the shared variance between the two variables. Furthermore, the effect of service quality on satisfaction is also statistically significant (p=0.001, Sig=0.72, F=12.0, R2=0.341), with a determination coefficient of 0.12. Given the substantial influence of relationship marketing and service quality on satisfaction, it is strongly recommended for managers and practitioners within the sports services and executive domains of fitness centers in Karaj to enhance their services systematically, thereby elevating customer satisfaction