Comparing the Effect of Traditional Resistance Training and Interval Resistance Training on the Body Composition of Sedentary Men with Obesity

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1858-SSRC
Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Background: Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease that has become an epidemic in recent years. Exercise training is an effective practical method to prevent and manage obesity. Resistance training can reduce body composition indicators including body weight, Body Mass (BM), Body Mass Index (BMI), Percentage Body Fat (PBF), and Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR).
Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of Traditional Resistance Training (TRT) and Interval Resistance Training (IRT) on the body composition indices of healthy sedentary men with obesity.
Materials and methods: The statistical sample of the present study included 33 young obese men with an age range of 18-32 years, 30<BMI<40, who were randomly divided into three equal groups: 1) TRT (N=11), 2) IRT (N=11), 3) control group (no training: N=11). The exercises were performed for 12 weeks with a frequency of 3 sessions per week with an intensity of 50% of One-repetition maximum. Slim Guide caliper (Creative Health Inc., USA) was used to evaluate the thickness of skin folds at 3 points, and Jackson and Pollack's formula were used to determine men's PBF. Mixed-model ANOVA with repeated measure (2 Times × 3 Groups) and LSD post hoc test were used to examine the differences between and within groups.
Results: The results showed that TRT and IRT significantly reduce BM, PBF and WHR. The body mass index decreased after 12 weeks, but it was not statistically significant. Also, there was no significant difference between TRT and IRT in reducing PBF (P=0.095) and BMI (P=0.748). On the other hand, IRT significantly reduced BM (17%, P=0.042) and WHR (24.44%, P=0<0.001) values compared to TRT.
Conclusion: Based on the results, TRT and IRT as a non-pharmacological treatment method can improve body composition in obese men and manage obesity by reducing BM, PBF, and WHR. Also, the results showed that IRT is more effective in reducing BM and WHR.