Investigating the role of mass media in the tendency of the people of Ardabil city towards public sports

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1890-SSRC
1کارمنداداره کل ورزش وجوانان اردبیل
2دبیر رسمی آموزش وپرورش
Introduction and purpose: Sports, especially public sports, is considered one of the sub-indicators of human development in societies, since it increases life expectancy by improving the health of people in society. (1) The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of mass media in the tendency of the people of Ardabil city towards public sports.Findings and results: The results of the research show that all types of mass media (visual, audio, print) have an effect on the tendency of the people of Ardabil city towards public sports, and the most important role of the media is awareness in the tendency of the people of Ardabil city towards public sports. People, one of the benefits of public sports and the least role of the media is advertising and informing about public sports and its conferences. Therefore, the advertising factor should be given special attention and sports experts should also cooperate with public media in addition to publishing scientific findings in specialized media in order to have more effects in the development of sportsKeywords: public sports, mass media, Ardabil, public sports stations.
The research method is descriptive and survey type and applied in terms of purpose. Data collection was done in the field. The statistical population of this research is the citizens of Ardabili. Citizens of Ardabil means people who live permanently in Ardabil and attend at least once a week in the public sports stations of Ardabil, so non-native people who temporarily live in Ardabil; It does not include students, workers and other non-native strata.