Studying the role of buyers' negative feelings towards Iranian sports brands

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1893-SSRC
1Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
2Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Science, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
The aim of the current research was to study the role of buyers' negative feelings towards Iranian sports brands, which was based on the objective of the applied type and according to the descriptive-correlational methods, the data collection of which was done by the field method. The statistical population of this research was all the users of Iranian sportswear who used one of Majid, Daei or Shekari brands. Due to the unlimited and uncertain size of the statistical population, the number of 384 people was considered as a statistical sample using Cochran's formula, therefore, simple random sampling method was used. In order to collect data, the researcher designed the questionnaire online on the first form site and put its link through virtual networks in the form of private messages or in groups, and those who are somehow from one of the sportswear of hunting brands, Daei and Majid used to answer the questions when requested. The tools used in this research were questionnaires, which included the brand aversion questionnaire by Hegner et al. (2017), the past negative experience questionnaire by Hegner et al. (2017), the symbolic incompatibility questionnaire by Hegner et al. (2017), the ideological incompatibility questionnaire by Hegner et al. (2017), Hegner et al.'s (2017) brand avoidance questionnaire, Gregory and Fisher's (2006) stop/reduce brand support questionnaire, and Hegner et al.'s (2017) negative word of mouth advertising questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using SPSS and PLS software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that past negative experience, symbolic incompatibility, and ideological incompatibility have an effect on the negative feelings of buyers of Iranian sports brands. Also, negative emotions lead to brand avoidance, reduction/discontinuation of patronage, negative word-of-mouth, complaints, and revenge against the brand. The fit indices of the model also show the desirability of the structural model of the research. As a conclusion, it can be said: even a hateful customer can gain the support and loyalty of a large number of existing customers or potential customers in various ways, such as negative word-of-mouth advertising, avoiding repeat purchases, reducing brand support, etc.