Green human resource management perspective document in sports organizations

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1895-SSRC
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2پژوهشگاه تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی
The concept of green is a new term in the management of organizations. Today, organizations and their managers are expected to move towards creating a green organization in line with their social responsibility (Jabur, 2011). A green organization is an organization that fulfills its missions, goals, and duties in a way so that both people and other existing organizations and future needs are not distorted from limited resources. Green management is needed to become a green organization (Miller et al., 2016). A green organization is an organization that defines its missions, goals and tasks based on the preservation of the environment and scarce and limited environmental resources so that they can be used optimally (Stefano et al., 2014). Among the different departments of a green organization, green human resource management as a strong tool that is responsible for guiding human factors can help organizations greatly. On the way to becoming a green organization, organizations can use human resource management activities to motivate their employees (Charbel et al., 2016). Green HRM includes eco-friendly human resource initiatives that lead to greater efficiency, lower costs, and better employee engagement and retention, which in turn, helps organizations to achieve more with e-filing, car sharing, Job sharing, conference calls and virtual interviews reduce the carbon footprint of employees. The public image of the organization is improved whenever a company adds a green initiative to its workplace and can use this event to create positive public relations. Organizations can promote environmental partnerships to the media through press releases to attract the attention of potential customers and potential new sales. It should be remembered that today most educated and affluent consumers are looking for companies that adopt environmental standards. Organizations that follow environmentally friendly HR policies are also very beneficial. Green empowerment of employees, electronic management of human resources, green training, green performance evaluation, green hiring, green selection, green rewards are the variables that sports organizations can benefit from in the green human resource management vision document to help the environment.