The effect of different intensities of resistance training on liver enzymes in obese women

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1908-SSRC
مدرس دانشگاه فرهنگیان زینبیه پیشوا، ورامین، تهران، ایران
Introduction and purpose: Obesity and overweight are increasing in all countries due to today's lifestyle. The data shows that the prevalence of overweight (BMI=29.9-25 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI<30) has doubled in the last ten years. Obesity is related to many diseases, which can be type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, increased lipid profile, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), intestinal diseases - Stomach, osteoarthritis, cancer and kidney diseases mentioned.
Material and Methods: 40 obese female subjects in four training groups 1 (30% RM), 2nd training group (50% RM), 3rd training group (70% RM) and the control group were randomly selected and studied. Exercise movement (machine squat, machine leg press, machine front lunge, machine back leg machine, machine leg press machine, machine chest press, row boat pull, machine front arm machine, machine back arm machine and machine shoulder press) in 3 sets and each set in order Exercise 1, Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 group performed 20-30, 10-20 and 5-12 repetitions.
Blood samples were taken from the brachial vein. The exercise groups did resistance exercises for 8 weeks three sessions a week and each session lasted for 60 minutes. Sampling was done 24 hours before the start of training, 24 hours after the end of four weeks of resistance training and 24 hours after the end of eight weeks. The subjects' blood samples were taken at 8:00 in the morning while fasting.
and the results were analyzed using ANOVA statistical method with repeated and post hoc Banferoni measurements.
Discussion: The results showed that different intensities of resistance training have different effects on liver enzymes, and it was shown that the greatest effects were observed as a result of training with 30% 1RM, which caused a greater reduction in liver damage indicators than other intensities.
Conclusion: Finally, it can be recommended that low-intensity resistance exercises can be used to improve liver tissue damage indicators because they have the same nature as aerobic exercises.