The efficacy of proprioceptive, balance, and resistance training in knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1923-SSRC
1دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه بیرجند
2دانشگاه بیرجند
3Sport biomechanics
Background: Among the common difficulties linked to knee osteoarthritis, prevalent challenges include muscle weakness, reduced proprioception, balance disorders, pain, and decreased physical performance, making them the most frequently encountered issues.
Purpose: This comprehensive study explores how balance, proprioceptive, and resistance training can have a positive effect on reducing pain, improving physical performance, and enhancing lower body strength among individuals suffering from knee osteoarthritis.
Methodology: Scientific articles were methodically gathered from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct databases. Initially, the search centered on terms such as "knee osteoarthritis" and "exercise". Later, a more specific approach was adopted, incorporating keywords like "knee osteoarthritis", "proprioceptive training", "balance training", and "resistance training". The evaluation of study quality was carried out utilizing the Downs and Black checklist. Three researchers independently reviewed eligible studies and extracted pertinent data. Among the 142 articles initially identified in the search, only four met the inclusion criteria for the study. These criteria stipulated that the research must involve individuals with knee osteoarthritis participating in proprioceptive, balance, and resistance training.
Results: Our study's findings indicated that the inclusion of balance, proprioceptive, and resistance training produced favorable outcomes, positively impacting pain levels and various parameters of physical performance. Ultimately, this contributed to increased strength in individuals with knee osteoarthritis.
Conclusion: Our study revealed that proprioceptive and balance training positively affects pain and dynamic balance, while resistance training is effective in improving muscle strength and overall physical performance. Given these findings, we recommend a combination of resistance, proprioceptive, and balance training should be applied in patients with osteoarthritis.