Responsibility of manufacturers of defective sports supplements

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1944-SSRC
1Master's student in event management and sports tourism at Razi University of Kermanshah
2Facutalty member of Razi University, Kermanshah, IRAN
3Master’s student in sport management, Razi University, Kermanshah, IRAN
The manufacturers of sports supplements are responsible for the risks that their products create, and if they are aware, they have the duty to inform consumers about these issues, because according to the rule of warning, everyone must be given the necessary warnings and information before doing dangerous operations. give it to others in order to avoid danger and save their life and property, in case of negligence of the addressee and an accident and damage occur, the warner will not be responsible for compensating his damage. Producers and suppliers of health and health products are responsible for providing the necessary information and awareness regarding possible risks and losses resulting from their use to potential consumers. If the warning is related to the existence of a defect in production; For example, if the manufacturer of a sports supplement suggests that there are some harmful substances in its products, such a warning to the buyers is not enough: there is a very weak possibility that there are some dangerous substances in the supplement. In these cases, the manufacturer cannot be exempted from responsibility just by giving a warning, because the nature of such a product requires that it does not have such a defect, it seems that the manufacturers of sports supplements are exempted from responsibility only against risks and defects that are inherent and unavoidable. This means that the manufacturer has already warned and has followed all relevant regulations. The present article seeks to analyze the method of disclaiming responsibility from the manufacturer in case of compliance with the warning rule, in the field of sports supplements production. The purpose of the present research is the responsibility of manufacturers of defective sports supplements. This research is considered to be qualitative research in terms of methodology and applied in terms of purpose and descriptive based on the nature and method of data collection.