The effect of perceptual-motor game program (Pariad) on executive performance and some basic skills in 4 to 6-year-old

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1954-SSRC
دانشگاه سمنان-دانشکده علوم انسانی- گروه علوم ورزشی
The current study was the effect of a course of selected perceptual-motor pariyad exercises on executive function (attention), ("static and dynamic balance"), dexterity and manipulation of 4 to 6-year-old children in kindergartens in Shiraz city, so for this purpose, 30 children whose age They were randomly selected between 3 and 6 years old from kindergartens and divided into two groups of 15 people for training and control. Consciously enter our training process. Also, one day before the start of the training, all the tests (pre-test), (Lee Lee, Lek Lak, Stara, Pig Pour Board and Wechsler's attention test) were conducted for all qualified participants. It should be noted that 15 people in the control group do not have any activity during the pariad exercises intervention, but the experimental group performs pariad exercises four days a week for a month, and experimental tests are done after the end of the herpes round. According to the available test statistics, the attention factor (Sig = 0.233, T‌= 1.217) does not show a significant difference in the control and training groups, in addition, according to the available test statistics (t= 3.302, sig=0.003), the static balance factor in the training group showed a significant difference compared to the control group. Also, according to the existing test statistic (t=5.399, sig=0.001), the dynamic balance factor in the training group showed a significant difference compared to the control group, also according to the existing test statistic (t=5.622, 0.001 sig Lee's factor showed a significant difference in the training group compared to the control group, and at the end according to the available test statistics (t=2.175, sig=0.038) the manipulation factor also showed a significant difference in the training group compared to The control group showed a significant difference, i.e., a period of selected perceptual-movement pariah exercises had a positive effect on static and dynamic balance, lying, hand skills, but did not have a significant effect on the attention factor. Therefore, it seems that these exercises can be used as a useful training method to improve children's physical abilities and basic skills