The effect of organizational ambidexterity and strategic agility on the competitive advantage of private clubs

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1956-SSRC
1Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Farhangian University
21. Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, College of human sciences, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Background: Today, due to the extensive developments, the success and survival of organizations requires flexibility to manage unpredictable threats and opportunities in the environment and create a competitive advantage. In these conditions, organizations are forced to look for organizational agility paradigm.
Objective: To investigate the effect of organizational ambidexterity and strategic agility on the competitive advantage of private clubs in Tehran.
Methodology: In terms of purpose, the present research was applied, and in terms of descriptive research method, correlation type and based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population included managers of private clubs in Tehran, whose number is 178 and was selected as a total number. The measuring tool includes Siren organizational ambidexterity questionnaire (2012) (10 items; 2 dimensions of exploration and exploitation; reliability 0.89), Hook's strategic agility (2016) (9 items; 3 dimensions of strategic sensitivity, collective commitment, resource flotation; reliability 0.82) and competitive advantage Klaus (2021) (7 items; reliability 0.87). Statistical data analysis was done from descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software version 26 and Smart Pls software version 3.
Results: According to the regression coefficient (0.44) and critical ratio (10.51), organizational ambidexterity has a significant effect on competitive advantage of private clubs. According to the regression coefficient (0.48) and critical ratio (13.27), strategic agility has a significant effect on the competitive advantage of private clubs.
Conclusion: Ambidexterity in alignment and efficiency in response to the demands of private clubs is an innovative strategy. Therefore, when managers of private clubs adapt to changes in the competitive sports environment and innovate in providing services to athletes, the competitive advantage increases. The more private club managers provide activities and programs of sports services faster than other competitors, the more their competitive advantage will increase.