Designing the Model of the Functions of Student Sports toward with the Sustainable Development of the Education System with the Approach of Generational Changes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2013-SSRC
1PhD Student of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2Department of Sport Management, University of Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran.
3Department of Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoly Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amoly, Iran
4Department of Sports Management, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Background: One of the controversial topics of the last three decades, it is development and surrounding issues, such as the dimensions of development, balanced development, tradition and modernism and the position of countries in the global development process. Actually, if the custodian institutions of the countries, such as educational systems with wisdom and intelligence as well as the use of cultural, sports and social tools cannot resist to phenomenon of changes and generational caste, the damage caused by modern life and virtual space, will be dominate upon students' environment and also will affect the requirements of sustainable development
Aims: This study aimed to present a model of student sports functions along with the sustainable development of the education system with the approach of generational changes
Method: The research methodology was done in a mixed way using the systematic design of the Grounded theory. In-depth and open-ended interviews were used for data collection. The statistical population of the research includes the senior managers of vice president of physical education and health, sports management professors, experts and activists in the field of sociology, about 17 interviews were conducted with targeted theoretical techniques and the snowball approach. Also, in the quantitative section, One-Sample T-Test was used
Results: According to the findings of the research, 729 concept were written and Among these cases, 81 functions of new sports and physical education in schools were identified in line with sustainable development, which were summarized in 17 category, and these concepts were finally 4 categories, such as developing communication skills based on the use of new sports technologies, developing skill social based on in learning modern lifestyle, developing skill educational based on smart sports and creating new methods in sport participation in research
Conclusion: Providing diverse sports programs with the approach of using modern, adventurous and exciting sports, as well as developing the infrastructure of electronic, recreational, coastal, public, native and local sports is the most appropriate and necessary way of spending free time along with promoting sports culture and increasing Social participation is considered in young generations and students