Identifying the challenges of sports organization managers in the present era from the perspective of Experts

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2016-SSRC
Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Background and Purpose:
Sports management dynamics refer to the variable and changing factors and elements in the field of sports management and activities. These factors may be influenced by a variety of factors, such as technology, economics, and social and cultural changes. In other words, the dynamics of sports management reflect the dynamics and continuous development in this field. The main purpose of this article is to identify the challenges of managers of sports organizations in the present era. For this purpose, this research deals with the fundamental developments in the dynamics of sports management in the present era as challenges for managers of sports organizations.
The research method was qualitative, which was used to achieve the objectives, review and analyze research studies and reports related to sports management dynamics, and interview prominent sports management professors and experts in this field. The statistical population of this research was made up of prominent professors and experts in sports management and managers of sports organizations who were purposefully selected for theoretical saturation.
The research indicates significant progress in technology in sports management, increased collaboration with the private sector, the development of participatory social programs, commercialization of sports, advancements in medical and sports sciences, changes in league and competition structures, global market expansion in sports, shifts in the perspective on measuring sports success, alterations in spectator expectations, and changes in the financial sustainability of teams are among the key findings.
Discussion and Conclusion:
The study criticized the effects of these developments in sports management and interpreted and analyzed the results. On the other hand, these developments have provided managers with new tools to increase productivity and productivity, and on the other hand, they are forced to think more long-term and strategically. The correct use of these dynamics as strategic tools can be considered as the main factor in the development of sports management. These changes demonstrate the promotion of the financial sustainability of teams, the attraction of new spectators, and the increasing attractiveness of sports as a global industry.