Risk factors for Athletes hamstring muscle strain injury: A Systematic Review

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2036-SSRC
دانشگاه خوارزمی
Introduction: Hamstring strain injury (HSI) is one of the most common non-contact sports injuries and occurs in about 37% of athletes. Pain, inflammation, and swelling are the symptoms of this injury and lead to long-term absence from sports and activities.
Methods: In this systematic review, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and WOS databases were used to search the articles from 2019 to January 2024. The keywords (hamstring strain, hamstring strain mechanism, hamstring strain risk factor, hamstring tear risk factor, hamstring rupture risk factors, hamstring strain and gender risk factor, hamstring strain and anthropometry risk factor, hamstring strain injury risk factor) were used to find the articles. A total of 647 articles were collected, of which 144 were monitored and 14 were finally approved.
Results: According to the conducted investigations, 26 risk factors for hamstring strain (HSI) were identified, including: "running at high speed", "decrease in speed", " kicking", " tackle", "dribbling", "direct trauma", "eccentric muscle weakness of the hamstring", "age", "weight", "BMI", "low hamstring flexibility", "lower ratio of hamstring strength to quadriceps muscles", "increase in flexor muscle torque", "hip extension with extend knee", "history of hamstring strain", "history of calf muscle strain", "increased muscle volume and thinner proximal aponeurosis", "short rest and recovery time", "Post game in American football and soccer sports", "muscle stress from daily activities", "hip adductor strength", "Imbalance of hip adductor and abductor strength in women", "fatigue", "imbalance in leg size", and "lack of readiness to return to play".
Conclusion: The occurrence of HSI is more likely due to a history of hamstring strain, age, increasing and decreasing running speed, fatigue, weak eccentric muscle strength, and dehydration. During training with their athletes, coaches should discuss things such as adequate warm-up, adequate rest periods between exercises, drinking enough water, resting when tired and strengthening the strength and flexibility of the hamstring muscles.