Comparison of anthropometric and physiological characteristics of elite wheelchair basketball players in different position on court and functional classification

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 2039-SSRC
1sport injuries and corrective exercises, faculty of sport and health sciences , University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2Sport injuries and corrective exercises, faculty of sport and health.University of Tehran,Tehran. Iran
3دانشگاه تهران
4sport injuries and corrective exercises,faculty of sport and health sciences.University of Tehran.Iran.
.Wheelchair basketball (WB) is a team sport that depends on players' technical, and tactical abilities, and anthropometric and physiological characteristics. The appropriateness of play position, functional classification, and physical and physiological demands of the WB game can reduce physical pressure on athletes which may decrease injury occurrence likelihood. This study aimed to compare the anthropometric(fat mass, fat free mass, fat percentage. and physiological(peak torque of dominat shoulder and elbow. peak power and power drop) characteristics of elite WB players based on their play position and functional classification.
Methods: This study included 14 players from the men's adult Iran's national wheelchair basketball team (weight=72.84±15.8 kg, height=170.4±13.44 cm, and age=31.93±7.34years). They were divided into four groups, two based on play position (center and forward) and two based on functional classification (1.0-2.5 and 3-4.5). Anthropometric characteristics were measured using the In Body S10 body water analyzer, anaerobic power was measured using the Wingate test (Monark 891EW-cardio rehab ergometer), and peak torque was assessed using the Biodex Isokinetic dynamometer-system 4.
Results: The study found that subjects in the 3 to 4.5 functional classification group had significantly higher amounts of peak power, fat-free mass, and lower fat mass and percentage body fat compared to the other classification group (p<0.05). However, there were no significant differences between play position groups.
Conclusion: Although the physical and physiological characteristics of WB players were not different between the two play position groups, it seems that the functional classification of WB players can play a pivotal role in players' performance on the field.