Influences of exercise interventions on inflammatory markers, cardiovascular risk factors, glucose indexes and physical fitness in overweight and obese children.

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2052-SSRC
هیات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد
Introduction: The increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is a crucial public health issue that can burden medical care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance and aerobic exercise on risks of metabolic disorders in children with overweight and obesity.

Materials & Methods: for the purpose of this study, 30 boys (age: 10.43±1.29 years, % body fat: 37.77±4.03) were selected and randomly assigned into three groups (resistance exercise, aerobic exercise, and control). The aerobic exercise ( %60 HRmax) and resistance exercise at %60-70 1RM performed for 3 times/week.. Serum levels of TNF-α, IL-6, CRP, FBS, adiponectin, fibrinogen, cortisol, and insulin were measured before and 48 hours after exercise period.Data were analyzed using of ANCOVA statistical test (P0.05).

Results: there was no significant difference in weight (P=0.25) and BMI (P=0.59) between groups. However, resistance training group showed significant decrease in body fat (P=0.009). Adiponectin levels decreased significantly in control group (P=0.02).there was no significant difference in Adiponectin, IL-6, TNF-α, cortisol, FBS, and insulin levels of aerobic and resistance exercise groups (P>0.05). But, CRP decreased significantly in aerobic exercise group (P=0.005) and Fibrinogen levels decreased significantly in resistance exercise group (P=0.03). Vo2max increased significantly in aerobic exercise group (P= 0.02). Lower-body and upper-body strength improved significantly in resistance exercise group (P=0.004).

Conclusion: it seems that 8 weeks aerobic exercise can improve aerobic capacity and some cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese boys. However, resistance exercise can improve muscular strength and avoid muscle loss in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity.