Relationship between functional movement screening scores and musculoskeletal postural abnormalities and physical activity of employees and faculty members of Farhangian University of Qom

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2054-SSRC
1دانشگاه طلوع مهر قم
2دانشگاه فرهنگیان قم
Relationship between functional movement screening scores and musculoskeletal abnormalities and physical activity of employees and faculty members of Farhangian University of Qom
Mohsen Shahidi 1, Mohammad Mashhadhi 2, Fatemeh Jabbari* 3 Zahra Dolati Shahba 3
1. PhD, sports inuries and corrective exercises, Farhangian University of Qom
2. PhD, sports inuries and corrective exercises, Toloue Mehr University of Qom
3. *Master student, sports inuries and corrective exercises, Tolo Mehr University of Qom. corresponding author
4. Master student, sports inuries and corrective exercises, Tolo Mehr University of Qom

Introduction: When the body experiences compensatory movement patterns, it means that the body tends to compensate for these situations by creating special patterns or special relationships between muscles. Defects in movement patterns are recognized as a risk factor for injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between functional movement screening scores and postural abnormalities and the level of physical activity of employees and faculty members of Farhangian University of Qom.
Materials and Methods: For this purpose, 42 people (average age 44.73±8.58, average weight 85.24±10.74, average height 172.70±5.62) from employees and faculty members of Farhangian University of Qom participated in this research. Adams test, posture screen chart and foot pedoscope were used to check the presence of postural abnormalities.
The criteria for being active was 1.5 hours of regular physical activity in three sessions per week. Chi-square test was used in spss 26 software to analyze the data.
Results: Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the functional screening scores of movements with being active and inactive (p=021) but no significant relationship was observed with postural abnormalities (p˃0.05)
Conclusion: According to the results of this research, in order to prevent musculoskeletal injuries of employees it seems that improving the level of physical activity of people is more important than the presence or absence of postural abnormalities.