The effect of different types of interference in handball shooting practice on the performance and learning of female students in the 4th district of Tehran

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2057-SSRC (R1)
1استادیار، آموزش تربیت بدنی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران، ایران
2کارشناسی ارشد، گروه آموزش تربیت بدنی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، صندوق پستی 888-56441 تهران، ایران
3استاد، رفتار حرکتی و روانشناسی ورزش، دانشگاه تهران، ایران
The purpose of the current research was to determine the effect of interference in handball shooting practice on the performance and learning of female students aged 11 to 14 in district 4 of Tehran. The research method was semi-experimental, in terms of purpose, applied, and the research design was pre-test-post-test. The statistical population of the research was all the first high school students studying in Khawaja Abdallah School, who were selected as available (460 people). 48 right-handed and beginner volunteers in handball were selected as the research sample. The research tools were the Edinburgh Handicap Questionnaire and Zain's accuracy test. Subjects were randomly assigned to three groups of 16 without interference, absolute interference, and relative interference, based on their score, after 6 sessions of shooting skill practice and pre-test performance.
The data was collected by the researcher after 9 practice sessions of fixed shot and jump handball in terms of performance and memory scores. The results of variance analysis with repeated measurements 1(group) x 3(stages) and mixed variance analysis 3(group) x 3(stages) showed that despite the progress of handball shot accuracy in all three groups, there is a significant difference between them. There is (P=0.001). Bonferroni's results showed that the two groups of relative and absolute interference performed better in the memorization stage compared to the group without interference (P≥0.05);
However, no significant difference was observed in the comparison of two groups of relative and absolute interference (P<0.05). These results support the hypothesis of expansion, reconstruction of the action plan and challenge point, which indicates the superiority of the absolute and relative interference group. In the relative interference group, non-interference training at the beginning of the continuum creates errors and limited cognitive needs in the learner. At the end of the continuum, with the difficulty of the absolute interference training program and the increase of errors, gradual involvement of working memory occurs; As a result, with the parallel development of information processing and the growth of the movement program, due to the reduction of cognitive needs in error processing, hidden learning mechanisms are used, which leads to more stable learning.