The effect of six weeks of intervention based on the MAC approach on some psychological indicators of young rowing athletes

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 2099-SSRC
دانشجو دانشگاه تهران
Rowing, being a sport with substantial psychological demands, requires athletes in this field to navigate through prolonged exposure to both challenging physical and mental conditions. The intensity of high-pressure practices, coupled with the physical demands and extended durations of training camps, can often lead to mental fatigue among the athletes. This enduring commitment necessitates a thoughtful approach to address the holistic well-being of rowers in order to optimize their performance and overall mental resilience. Given these considerations, it is crucial to develop and apply psychological interventions for athletes to mitigate potential psychological issues and support their continuous preparation. This research aimed to examine the influence of exercises utilizing the MAC approach on various psychological indicators in young rowing athletes. By exploring these interventions, the study sought to contribute valuable insights into enhancing the mental well-being and performance of athletes in the field of rowing. Throughout the six-week intervention period, sports psychology specialists administered focused 45-minute training sessions targeting skills such as stress control, sleep quality, and resilience. This study systematically investigated factors including stress control, sleep quality, and resilience. The data analysis conclusively demonstrated that interventions based on the MAC approach exerted a positive and statistically significant influence, effectively enhancing the aforementioned indicators among the participants. The analysis of the data unequivocally demonstrated that interventions utilizing the MAC approach yielded a positive and noteworthy effect in improving the mentioned indicators. Given these promising results, it is strongly recommended to integrate these interventions into national team camps as a strategic measure to enhance the preparation of athletes, ensuring they are well-equipped for optimal performance