Title: musculoskeletal simulation of backhand and forehand drive to biomechanical evaluation executed by professional table tennis athletes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2106-SSRC
1اداره ورزش و جوانان استان تهران
3وابستگی سازمانی ندارم
4آموزش و پرورش
musculoskeletal simulation of backhand and forehand drive to biomechanical evaluation executed by professional table tennis athletes
The performance of professional athletes in table tennis relies heavily on their ability to control movement and execute backhand and forehand drives. However, a major challenge in this sport is the lack of biomechanical information available to evaluate and compare these two crucial techniques.
This study aims to compare the kinematics and kinetics of backhand and forehand drives in table tennis using musculoskeletal simulation software called OpenSim.
A total of twenty professional table tennis athletes (with an average mass of 59.5±6.7 kg, height of 179±5.4 cm, and age of 29.5±7.0 years) without any injuries or musculoskeletal disorders participated in this study. They performed backhand and forehand drives in a motion analysis lab equipped with 12 motion capture cameras (Vicon, Oxford, UK, 100 Hz) and two force plates (Kistler Instrument AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, sampling rate 1000 Hz). The kinematics and kinetics variables were estimated using the inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics features of the OpenSim software.
The results indicate that the glenohumeral joint angle is slightly limited in the backhand movement, while it is greater and exhibits more movement in the forehand movement. Additionally, significant differences in elbow joint angle, angular velocity, and angular acceleration were observed between the backhand and forehand movements (P=0.00073).
Discussion and Conclusion:
Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the range of motion of the glenohumeral joint is more limited in the backhand compared to the forehand. The forehand technique requires greater flexibility and exhibits wider motion. These differences have a direct impact on movement control and the biomechanics of the strokes. This study serves as a foundational effort to enhance the training of professional table tennis athletes, aiming to improve their performance and ensure their safety in executing backhand and forehand techniques.