: Movement control and strategy differences between amateur and professional taekwondo athletes during the front kick: musculoskeletal modeling study  

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2110-SSRC
1وابستگی سازمانی ندارم
2کارمند اداره ورزش و جوانان استان تهران
4آموزش و پرورش
Title: Movement control and strategy differences between amateur and professional taekwondo athletes during the front kick: musculoskeletal modeling study
Introduction: Martial arts is a widely popular sport worldwide, encompassing self-defense techniques, boxing, and footwork. It requires continuous training and rehabilitation. Among the various kicks used in combat, the front kick is particularly practical. Coaches and athletes face a significant challenge in terms of the lack of biomechanical information and the disparities between amateur and professional players.
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to compare amateur and professional players based on kinematics and kinematics variables using musculoskeletal modeling techniques during the execution of a front kick.
Materials and methods: A total of twenty professional taekwondo athletes (Mass: 63.4±5.5 kg, Heights: 182±4.3 cm, Age: 28.5±5.5 years) without any injuries or musculoskeletal disorders performed the front kick in a motion analysis lab. The lab consisted of 12 motion captures (Vicon, Oxford, UK, 100 Hz) and two force plates (Kistler Instrument AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, sampling rate 1000 Hz). The OpenSim software was utilized to calculate the kinematics and kinetics variables through inverse kinematics and dynamics, respectively.
Results: The musculoskeletal simulation results indicated that the variability among professional taekwondo players was significantly higher than that of the amateur group (P=0.0028). Furthermore, there were notable differences in muscle force between professional and amateur players during various phases of the front kick (P=0.0051). The range of motion (ROM) was also found to be greater in professional athletes compared to the amateur group (P=0.0043). Additionally, the professional group exhibited higher variabilities in both kinematics and kinetics variables (P=0.0039).
Discussion and conclusion: This study serves as fundamental research on lower limb kinematics and kinetics variables during the execution of a front kick. The results indicate that professional players possess superior balance skills and exhibit higher variabilities compared to the amateur group. Furthermore, the professional group showed higher ROM which indicated they were more flexible compared to the amateur group. Therefore, the coaches should focus on kinematics and kinetics variability by designing the related exercises.