The effect of six weeks of DNS training on lordosis angle and pain level in people with Hyperlordosis and non-specific chronic back pain

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2111-SSRC
دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد آسیب شناسی ورزشی و تمرینات اصلاحی، موسسه آموزش عالی بینالود مشهد، ایران.
Introduction: One of the most important parts of the human body is the spinal column. If the pressures applied to different segments of the vertebral column are not symmetrical, the likelihood of changes occurring in the spinal vertebrae increases. DNS exercises are important for improving neuromuscular coordination based on a wide spectrum of strength, range of motion, and physical performance. In this study, we investigated the effects of DNS exercises on lordosis angle and pain occurrence in individuals with Hyperlordosis and non-specific chronic low back pain.
Methodology: Among female volunteers with a history of chronic low back pain in the city of Bourdon, aged 30 to 50 years and meeting the inclusion criteria, 30 individuals were purposefully and conveniently selected. They were then divided into two groups, an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 15 participants. Assessments were conducted for their standardization. In the pre-test phase, lumbar lordosis angle and pain variables were measured. The DNS exercises, coupled with the correction of the breathing pattern, were performed for six weeks, three sessions per week, lasting approximately 45 minutes, along with warm-up and cool-down periods. Additional load and gradual increase were controlled based on proper execution and the exercise pressure from the previous session. Post-test assessments were conducted similar to the initial phase. Data analysis was performed at a significant level of 0.05 using covariance statistical tests.
Results: The six-week implementation of DNS exercises resulted in a significant difference in the lumbar lordosis angle values (p=0.004) and the level of pain variables (p=0.038) in women with Hyperlordosis and non-specific chronic low back pain.
Conclusion: The activation of muscles in the central region of the body plays a crucial role in providing stability, ensuring an optimal basis for limb movements. So, considering the improvement in muscular performance in the lumbo-pelvic region and pain control, it is likely that DNS exercises can be effective in this regard.