Can Visual perception factors in children predict Motor Response speed?

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2138-SSRC
دانشگاه تبریز
Introduction: Visual memory and sensory perception are two fundamental characteristics in children's development that play an important role in their fine motor abilities. Visual perception is one of the primary domains of motor skills that helps children better understand their surrounding environment and interact with it. Shape recognition from the background is one of the finer-scale aspects of visual perception and memory.
Fine motor skills, as important cognitive factors necessary for achieving purposeful behavior, with response speed being one of its finer-scale components. Visual perception and fine motor skills in children have a cohesive relationship and play a significant role in their development. Therefore, enhancing visual perception and fine motor skills in children can contribute to their full development and effective interaction. The main objective of this article is to examine and analyse the relationship between the skill of shape recognition from the background and response speed in children aged 4 to 8 years. This research has been conducted to enhance our understanding and identify dimensions of children's development and factors influencing their motor skills.
Study Method: The present research employs a correlational and survey method. The sample size includes 254 children aged 4 to 8 years, selected through purposive sampling to ensure the generalizability of the research findings to children within this age range. The required data for the research include information related to children's Figure-ground skill and response speed. The necessary information has been collected through the administration of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test and Frostig Visual Perception Test, along with conducting relevant tests.
Result: The results indicated that 2% of the variance in response speed is explained by the skill of shape recognition from the background. (R2= 0/022 , P= 0/019)
Conclusion: The results demonstrated a significant correlation between response speed and the skill of Figure Ground.