Comparing the effectiveness of integrative teaching methods in physical education on learning mathematics and experimental sciences

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2146-SSRC
1Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Iranshahr Branch, Iranshahr, Iran
2Assistant professor of pathology and corrective movements, Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran
Physical activity has well-established benefits for the health and well-being of children. However, the impact of integrating physical education into academic subjects, particularly mathematics and experimental sciences, requires further investigation. Mathematics and science are fundamental subjects in global education systems. Experts like Harlen emphasize the importance of curriculum changes in science, mathematics, and technology for the sustainable development of societies. Researchers are exploring innovative teaching methods to enhance traditional educational systems and evaluate their effectiveness. Integrative physical education is an emerging approach that focuses on student-centred learning through activities like educational sports games, incorporating mathematical and scientific concepts to foster critical thinking and a research-oriented mindset in children.

Methods: This systematic review article systematically searched, analyzed, and synthesized literature on the effects of integrative education in physical education with mathematics and science.

Findings: Nine studies were identified that examined integrative physical education with mathematics (4 studies) and science (5 studies) in elementary schools. The results indicated that combining mathematics and science with physical education significantly enhanced learning outcomes in the experimental group compared to the control group. Integrating physical education with these subjects increased student motivation to engage in academic discussions, leading to improved learning and academic progress.

Numerous studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between physical activities during the school day and heightened attention and classroom participation. It is widely acknowledged that engaging in physical activities can enhance children's academic engagement, emotional well-being, and behavior, ultimately impacting their overall performance. Despite these findings, research exploring the link between physical activity interventions and cognitive performance in children remains relatively limited and inconclusive
The research findings suggest that integrative teaching methods in physical education, particularly in mathematics and science, can be a reliable strategy for enhancing students' academic progress and achievement in various scientific fields.