​In-Field Quantitative Approach to Identify Motor Developmental Levels in Kicking skills

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2150-SSRC
1Assistant Professor of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
2گروه طب ورزشی پژوهشگاه علوم ورزشی
Background: Motor proficiency in childhood has been recently recognized as a public health determinant, having a potential impact on the physical activity level and possible sedentary behaviour of the child later in life. Among fundamental motor skills, ballistic skills assessment based on in-field quantitative observations is progressively needed in the motor development community. The aim of this study was to propose an in-field quantitative approach to identify different motor developmental levels in kicking skills.
Method: forty- two children aged 5–10 years performed a kicking task while wearing three inertial sensors located at the both legs above the outer ankle and between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra of each participant- pelvis level- and were then categorized using a developmental sequence of kicking. A set of biomechanical parameters were defined and analyzed using multivariate statistics to evaluate whether they can be used as developmental indicators.
Results: Pelvis and preferred leg angular velocities at the ball release showed increasing trends with increasing developmental level. Significant differences between developmental level pairs were observed for selected biomechanical parameters.
Conclusion: This will minimize the ethical constraints of videoing children, eliminate the need to train raters to reach adequate agreement, and reduce the time of in field assessment (if live coding is required) or analysis (if later video coding of assessment is conducted) for research, clinical, sport and education purposes. The findings of this proof-of-concept study bode well for further investigation of the ability of sensors to be able to detect child movement skills accurately. In future, sensors may replace the way child motor assessment is currently performed.