Title: The musculoskeletal simulation of front crawl to find hydrodynamics effect of the musculoskeletal system of athletes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2156-SSRC
1Islamic Azad University Science and Research
2کارمند اداره ورزش و جوانان استان تهران
3آموزش و پرورش
4وابستگی سازمانی ندارم
Swimming is an Olympic sport considered one of attractive sports. These technologies play an important role in this sport where the motion analysis and musculoskeletal simulation of swimming can develop the performance of athletes. The motion analysis of swimming athletes includes many challenges in water. front crawl is a swimming stroke usually regarded as the fastest of the four front primary strokes.

The main aim of the current study was to use musculoskeletal modeling for the motion analysis of swimming athletes in the water.
10 professional swimming athletes who won many medalists participated in the experiment (average mass of 72±7.9 kg, height of 181±7.2 cm,,age of 24.5±6.0 ). They performed a front crawl in a motion analysis lab equipped with 12 motion capture cameras (Vicon, Oxford, UK, 100 Hz) in a table without water. table was designed for this experiment and athletes could execute the front crawl motion similar in the water. The WU shoulder model in OpenSim was used as the base model. The scaling tool of OpenSim software was used to create the subject-specific model. The hydrodynamics and water effects on the bodies were modeled such as hydrodynamics forces (rag and lift forces). The inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics, and static optimization tools of OpenSim software were used to calculate joint kinematics, joint moments, and muscle forces, respectively.
The results show the deltoid muscle groups produced major muscle forces in the initial phase of motion (glide phase) though, the trapezius muscle groups produced major muscle forces in the pull phase.

This study as a base attempt revealed many biomechanical aspects of front crawl swimming. The main novelty of this attempt was using hydrodynamic simulation for the calculation of biomechanical variables of shoulders. The results of previous studies accept our results. Based on the results the shoulder muscle is responsible for different motion phases where the deltoid muscle is known as the starter of the motion and the trapezius muscle groups are known as terminator muscles. These results provide valuable information for athletes, coaches, and sports medicines about muscle function with the effect of hydrodynamic forces.