predicting role of Self-worth on Physical Activities

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2158-SSRC
Assistant Professor of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences
Physical inactivity is a serious health problem among university students. Even though the benefits of participating in physical activity are proven to increase psychological and physiological health, many college students do not meet the minimal recommendations for physical activity (1). Furthermore, mental health affects people's health promotion behaviors. Self-worth is the one of the mental health variables, which plays an important role in emotional, social, and psychological adaptation, and its reduction causes some psychological problems, such as indifference and loneliness. Believes in Self-worth improves the level of general health, self-regulation, motivation, reduces depression and improves social behavior. (2).
Objective: The aim of this research was to investigate the Predicting role of Self-worth on Physical Activities Tendency among medical Sciences college students.
Methodology: The cross-sectional survey was adopted Self-worth and physical activities tendency by using questionnaires through an online survey platform. From 257 available samples, a total of 248 valid questionnaires were collected. The research instruments included basic demographic information, Dousti & Hosseininia (2020) and Naji et al (2011). Test reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using descriptive Statistics, kolmogorov smirnov test and Multiple Regression & Pearson Correlation coefficient through SPSS Software.
Results: Four dimensions of Self-worth (Interpersonal relationships, self- acceptance, sense of competence, life - meaning), predicted Sport Activities tendency. Interpersonal relationships had the lowest mean and life – meaning had the highest mean of Self- worth dimensions. Sport Activities Tendency was less in singles and Unemployed students than married and employed. Reliability of self-worth and Sport Activities Tendency questionnaires were 0.93 and 0.90, respectively.
Conclusion: Researches suggested that participation in physical activity has a positive effect on students’ engagement in the classroom, often reflected in improvements in “time on task” and concentration. Identifying emotional problems and factors affecting physical activities can be used in planning students' physical and mental health policies.