The effect of virtual reality exercises on basic motor skills of children with motor problems in primary schools

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2167-SSRC
Background: Researches state that basic movement skills are one of the important factors in elementary school sports. Poverty and lack of enrichment of the environment is a problem in the mobility poverty of schools. Today, many protocols have investigated fundamental movement skills, most of which have a traditional approach and their effects have been reported in numerous articles. However, it is rare that an exercise has been implemented with a virtual approach. Although several articles have been implemented with a virtual approach; However, effective studies have not been used on children with movement problems. Therefore, this article examines movement skills and their improvement using virtual reality.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the effect of virtual reality exercises on basic motor skills of children with motor problems in primary schools.
Methodology: The target population in this research was all students with movement disorders in Tehran city who were in 1401-02. Due to the large size of the research population, the available and targeted sampling method was used to select the sample. Finally, 20 people who fit the research objectives were selected. After the pre-test, they were randomly placed in 2 groups of 10 people using a checklist based on Al-Reikh's test. Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, distributions were checked for normality, and covariance analysis was used to compare groups.
Results: The results of covariance analysis showed that there is a significant difference between the average of the remaining scores of the basic motor skills of the subjects according to group membership (P<0.01).
Conclusion: Based on the studies of this article, the gross motor skills of children with motor problems can be improved by providing related interventions.