Identifying the consequences of improving the quality of free time of women and girls in the family with an emphasis on physical activities and sports in Ilam province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2179-SSRC
دانشگاه ایلام
Objective: A healthy society is a society whose members can enjoy healthy entertainment and good human relations and emotional happiness while meeting the needs of life through conventional employment. Sports, as one of the important leisure activities, plays a very positive role in the development of physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health, as well as in family cohesion. Therefore, the current research sought to identify the consequences of improving the quality of free time of women and girls in the family, emphasizing physical activities and sports in Ilam province.
Methodology: The research method is exploratory and has a qualitative nature, which is based on the approach of database theory. The statistical population of the research includes managers, experts and academic faculty members with expertise in the field of leisure and sports in the number of 14 people. Purposeful method and snowball technique were used for sampling. In this technique, sampling continues until the research reaches theoretical saturation and sufficiency. The research approach was systematic, and for this purpose three-stage open, central and selective coding was used. For coding, Max Qudai version 10 software was used. The validity of this research was examined and confirmed by the interviewees and then expert professors. 76% reliability was obtained using process audit study method.
Results: Based on the obtained results, the consequences of improving the quality of free time of women and girls in the family with an emphasis on physical activities and sports in Ilam province include individual and social consequences, which include factors: national cohesion of Elamite peoples, motivation and wealth creation, self-improvement, Improving moods, physical, mental, and social health, expanding distributional justice in the field of sports, creating a platform for growth (social, economic, cultural and political), psychological well-being, forming a sports identity, and improving the quality and life expectancy of Elamite women.
Conclusion: The results of the research have tried to lead to practical suggestions for leisure managers in the field of sports. It is recommended to the experts of the organizations related to leisure sports planning to use the research results in future programs.