Identifying social media strategies in encouraging women to do sports

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 2182-SSRC
دانشگاه همدان
Purpose: The speed of technological progress in the world is growing. Social media is constantly expanding and developing in its scope and significantly affects the lives of people all over the world. This development in the world of sports is very significant because social media is very influential on people and can be effective in the comprehensive development of sports. Therefore, the current research shows a new perspective regarding the role of social media in encouraging women to do sports, which has been less mentioned, so paying attention to the results of this research can lead to more women's tendency to do sports. to be effective in sports activities; Therefore, the current research identifies the strategies of social media in encouraging women to do sports.
Methodology: It is a qualitative research method (thematic analysis method). The statistical population of the current research includes women athletes, university lecturers and coaches in the field of women's sports in Kermanshah. For sampling, the research participants were selected using the purposeful judgmental sampling method. The research tool was an interview that was conducted with 18 people. The validity of the research instrument (interview) was examined and confirmed by the interviewees and then the expert professors, and the intra-subject agreement method was used to measure the reliability, and according to this method, the reliability value was equal to 0.86. In order to analyze the data, thematic analysis method was used.
Results: The findings of this research showed that social media strategies in encouraging women to do sports include: using professional principles in social media, creating diverse and attractive programs, improving communication between responsible organizations through Media and promotion of women's sports in the society. that each of these themes had a series of basic themes.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, we conclude that provincial officials and managers should, through the media, create the belief in women that regular exercise is one of the most important things they can do for their physical and mental health. give Provide the conditions for their presence in sports halls and places.