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Number of Proceedings: 3

1 Eight Weeks Aerobic Training Reduces Body Weight and Inflammation in the Liver and Visceral Adipose Tissue of Obese Rats
پریسا (Parisa) خبیری (Khabiri)* , محمد رحمان (Mohammad Rahman) رحیمی (Rahimi), ایرج (Iraj) رشیدی (Rashidi), سید ارشاد (Seyed Ershad) ندایی (Nedaei)
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2 The Effect of an Acute Aerobic Exercise with Different Intensities on the Executive Functions in Preadolescent Children
Arezo Ahmadpour* , Bayan Amani, Mohammad Rahman Rahimi
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3 , The Effect of Exercise Training on Autophagy Regulation: A Therapeutic Potential in Cardiovascular Diseases, A Mini Review Article
Hadi Golpasandi* , Mohammad Rahman Rahimi
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