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Number of Proceedings: 3

1 The Impact of Varied Intensity Circular Resistance Training on TWEAK & NOV/CCN3 in Obese men
آسیه عباسی دلویی* , alireza barari, Farshad Emami, mojtaba gohari
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2 Effects of aerobic Training and Aloe Vera Supplementation on Cyclooxygenase-2 Pathway Correlates with VEGF in Mice with Breast Cancer
alireza barari* , Farshad Emami, mojtaba ghohari, آسیه عباسی دلویی
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3 Endurance Training and Saffron Supplementation on PAI-1 and Plasma Fibrinogen in Men with Type 2 Diabetes
Farshad Emami* , alireza barari, آسیه عباسی دلویی, Mojtaba Gohari
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